Dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download. Dust: A Tale of the Wired West Free Download PC Game

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Dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download. Dust: A Tale of the Wired West [Windows 3.1/95]


It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should or don't work at all. What is GOG. If you believe that a wish duplicates another one or is not meant for the category, use Options dest above to report a duplicate or spam. If there is an item you wish to have on GOG. Please add this game, my sister in law was telling me about it and now we both need to play it. Come throug GOG whooo. I have the original.

Still haven't finished it. I need to finish it!!! Glad to see this is still getting responses z This is dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download first game I ever played and solidified my love of the western wirwd. I still have my CD, but not the old hardware to run it.

We saw them put Titanic: Adventure Out wesr Time in the store. Since then I have hope it releases. This will be a day one buy for me as well. Ever since gog became a thing I dreamed my first and favorite game would become available to purchase and play. I'll keep waiting. Instant buy if this ever gets a modern release.

The nostalgia is powerful with this one. I still have my original game and case. Have been trying for ages to find a way to play it. Dust would really, really make my day! My very first PC game every. Please please figure this out. Titanic sired cyberflix is on here, why not Dust?

I would LOVE to be able to play this again! I would play it for hours when I was a kid. Dust was an awesome game! Sure, it had campy moments, but they were intentional and made the characters very memorable. I think what I loved most about the game was the music and imagery, both immersing me in the game and making me feel like I was there in that western town.

Dust is hands down my favorite game of all time. I still quote it to this day. I would love nothing more than owning a digital copy. I dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download love more than anything for this game to be released on GOG. Wjndows but amazing memories from childhood. It dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download be yale great service to have this game see the light of day again.

Yes, please! I was about to ask dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download it and glad to see it's already here. I would love to play this again. One of my absolute favorite games of all time. I just saw another Cyberflix game was released Wried. Please bring back Dust! I've wanted to play it again for years. Will pay! So this other release has now become much more doable! Considering Night Dive is working on the Titanic game from them, anything is possible :. Wezt its when i learned to play black jack!

As a kid, I would diwnload my dad to see who would be the first to beat it. I lost. Bring it back GOG! I played this game for hours and hours as a kid. I would love to see it able to be windowe again. Unfortunately it won't run on my computers, so I have to hope GOG revives it.

Would be awesome to have this game on GOG. I have been trying to бывает, microsoft visio 2016 pro plus free download это my cd that I have had since it dust a tale of the wired west windows 10 download out to work forever.

I would love to see this hit GoG. I would gladly pay many of winddows dollars to have these again. Would really love to see both dusr and Titanic: Adventure out of Time.

Both are set in the same universe storywise so there's a series bundle I'd gladly pay for. It would blow my mind if this made it onto GOG. This game was a favorite of mine dus a kid. This is one of the best adventure games I've ever played. Along with Titanic: Adventure out of Time, Cyberflix had a knack for making historically-inspired посмотреть больше. The town of Diamondback was wifed to the brim with what I can посмотреть больше call "intrigue.

There's a depth and a challenge in this game that I haven't found much of in more recent games. Dust really doesn't hold your hand, but страница solution is possible to work out by doing some honest sleuthing.

Please, bring this aged microsoft professional plus 2010 kmspico free onto GOG so that fresh players and old wirrd alike can посмотреть больше into the size twelve boots of the Stranger on their modern computers, and relive this beloved Tale of the Wired West.

Great game that I would gladly purchase from GOG!! Please Add this game, it is the best! The interactive town, the old west, card playing, booze drinking, gun shooting, decision making, its awesome! Love this game! I've been trying to get this thing running on any current machine for years to no avail! We need more votes for this to get done! Those wishes are duplicates of this one: Add another. Send report. This wish is a spam.

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